American Netherland Dwarf Rabbit Club

American  Netherland  Dwarf  Rabbit  Club

The GEM of the Fancy

FOX  Variety  Online  Exhibition  —  Page  Navigation  LINKS

Process Info Variety Exhibition Here.gif Photos SR Bucks—O—S Here.gif
SOP + Video Working Standard Here.gif Photos JR Bucks—HS—FL Here.gif
Photos + Video JR Buck—F2 Here.gif Photos JR Bucks—F—LK Here.gif
Photos + Video SR Doe—MP Here.gif Facebook Fox ND Group Here.gif

FOX  Variety  Online  Exhibition  —  FOX  Voting  Process  Information

 Who votes?  ANDRC voting Members
 When is the vote?  Ballots will be mailed on or before 7/25
 When are ballots due?  Ballots MUST be postmarked not later than 8/25
 When are results known?  Results announced within 10 days of 8/25
 Ballot not received?  E-mail  Here.gif  ANDRC Secretary/Treasurer    
 Unanswered questions?  E-mail  Here.gif  ANDRC Standards Chairperson 

FOX  Variety  Online  Exhibition  —  FOX  COD  Process  Information

The Certificate of Development (COD) Application for the Fox Netherland Dwarf Variety was submitted in September 2019 and was subsequently approved by the ARBA Standards Committee and a COD was issued.  Pursuant to the New Variety and the New Group Acceptance Process, COD holders are required to make an exhibition to their breed specialty club at either a national specialty show or ARBA Convention within one year of the official date on the COD.  After such exhibition, the membership is to vote to either accept or reject the new variety for possible inclusion in the breed’s Standard. Due to the current pandemic, neither an ANDRC National Specialty Show nor an ARBA Convention has been held since the Fox variety COD was issued.

In the event of such circumstances, the ARBA Standards Committee adopted a policy allowing a one-time only virtual exhibition to satisfy the specialty club exhibition requirement.  The ARBA Standards Committee, the COD holder, and ANDRC leadership have agreed to present the virtual exhibition to the membership on the ANDRC website.  Please note, this one-time virtual exhibition policy is only for the Fox variety exhibition requirement and does not constitute an overall change in format to any other Netherland Dwarf COD presentations.

Pursuant to the New Variety Acceptance process, at least eight (8) different rabbits must be presented to the membership to vote on acceptance. As such, the virtual exhibition will feature pictures of the unique ear number identification for each rabbit in order to certify that eight (8) different rabbits were presented. The exhibition features a video demonstrating the color as well as photographs showing type and color.  Once a vote is taken by the membership to accept the variety, the COD will enter the next phase of the process for presentation to the ARBA Standards Committee.

Scott Rodriguez
ARBA Judge #877
Chair, ANDRC Standards Committee

© 2008-2025 • American Netherland Dwarf Rabbit Club • All Rights Reserved •