American Netherland Dwarf Rabbit Club

American  Netherland  Dwarf  Rabbit  Club

The GEM of the Fancy






Membership questions?

Please contact ANDRC Secretary/Treasurer Cindy Stelloh

To update an e-mail or mailing address:


ANDRC Confidentiality Policy

Respecting the privacy of all members of the ANDRC shall be a basic value of this organization.   Personal information to include but not limited to mailing addresses, e-mail addresses, and phone numbers shall not be disclosed or discussed by this Board, or any committee members under the guidance of this Board, to any person(s) making a request for the aforementioned information. This is to include but not be limited to, members personal information shall not be used for the purpose of campaign solicitation by any member(s) of the ANDRC. Such information shall only be used by this Board or the committees under the guidance of this Board for the purpose of conducting official business of the ANDRC.

Board members or the committee members under the guidance of this Board understand and agree that during their service with the ANDRC, they may obtain information which is confidential and/or privileged that must be kept confidential both during and after their term of service with the ANDRC.

Unauthorized disclosure of any private or confidential information shall be considered a serious violation of this policy and will subject the person(s) who made the unauthorized disclosure to discipline as outlined in Article VI Discipline Section 1 of the ANDRC Constitution.


The American Netherland Dwarf Rabbit Club is chartered by the American Rabbit Breeders Association.  The club was organized to unite Netherland Dwarf breeders in a close bond of cooperation and to provide communication among members.  Assisting breeders in the development, raising and advancement of the Netherland Dwarf remains one of the ANDRC's prime objectives.  We invite your participation!

The Benefits of Membership include:

  • Guidebook
    Effective January 1, 2022, Guidebooks MUST BE PURCHASED in addition to New Memberships  —OR— may be purchased WITHOUT becoming an ANDRC member.  The Netherland Dwarf Official Guidebook is an informative compendium of knowledge about the Netherland Dwarf breed of rabbit and its sponsoring National Breed Club, the ANDRC.  The current 147 page Eighth Edition devotes 50 color pages to pictures, descriptions and breeding tips for each of the Netherland Dwarf color varieties. 
  • Dwarf Digest
    A quarterly publication which is the official voice of the American Netherland Dwarf Rabbit Club.  This journal exists for the continuing, active exchange of information between the Club and its membership, and affords you the opportunity of an open forum for your continuing education.  Included you will find changes in ANDRC policy, news about the events in your region, election information, a listing of current Club Officers and Directors, a listing of local affiliated Dwarf Clubs, informative articles about the Netherland Dwarf, results of competitions at shows, and more.
  • Sweepstakes
    You will have the opportunity to compete and accumulate points in national and regional sweepstakes competition.  The results of both Open [adult] and Youth competitions are tabulated and awards are given annually to top winning exhibitors.
  • Professional Designation
    A Charter Breeder designation is awarded to those exhibitors who demonstrate consistent achievement over a three year period.  Certificates and show coat patches are available to winners.
  • Supplies
    Many promotional items featuring the ANDRC logo are available to members. 
  • Assistance
    Assistance for new members and advice on rabbitry problems is offered by contacting your Regional Directors or Officers of the ANDRC.
  • National Shows
    In addition to your local rabbits shows, the ANDRC participates in the annual autumn Convention & Show of the American Rabbit Breeders Association, Inc. [ARBA].  This is the largest exhibition of rabbits in America.  The ANDRC also promotes a spring National Netherland Dwarf Show, which is the second largest exhibition of Dwarfs annually.  These shows are held in various locations around the country on a rotating basis.
  • Youth Programs
    The ANDRC Royalty Contest is open to all youth members. Graduating seniors and first or second year post-secondary students may apply for ANDRC scholarships provided they meet all requirements.

© 2008-2024 • American Netherland Dwarf Rabbit Club • All Rights Reserved •