American Netherland Dwarf Rabbit Club

American  Netherland  Dwarf  Rabbit  Club

The GEM of the Fancy










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Assistance with any missing or incorrect information
is welcomed and appreciated.  Please e-mail:   



The Charter Breeder Program of the ANDRC was instituted to recognize the exhibitors who have had consistent achievement at the judging table over a period of three years. To accomplish the status of Charter Breeder one of the following criteria must be achieved in each of three consecutive years:


  1. Finish in the top 25 of the National Sweepstakes competition.
  2. Finish in the top 3 of one's Regional Sweepstakes competition.
  3. Win a BOB or BOSB award at any ANDRC sanctioned show during the year, provided there are 5 Dwarfs and 3 exhibitors.


  • Member(s) MUST show under the same name(s) during the 3 consecutive years of achievement, (i.e. John Jones, who shows under his name for only the first two years, but shows in the third year as John and Mary Jones, would not earn Charter Breeder. Instead, they have begun as John & Mary Jones at year #1.)
  • Members attaining Charter Breeder under a single name (i.e. John Jones) may be eligible for additional award(s) if showing as a husband and wife, parent and child, or as a partnership. ARBA no longer allows exhibition under a rabbitry name, so achievement under a rabbitry is not accepted within the ANDRC either.
  • Youth members showing in both Open and Youth shows may use the points earned in Youth for their Youth Charter Breeder and the points earned in Open for their Open Charter Breeder.
  • Charter Breeder status will be awarded only after publication of the third year’s achievement in the Dwarf Digest. At that time, your name and Charter Breeder number will be published in the Summer or Fall Dwarf Digest and you will receive a Charter Breeder certificate in the mail. Once this has been received you may purchase a Charter Breeder patch from the Supply Chairperson.
  • Congratulations to all of these exhibitors for their achievement!

© 2008-2024 • American Netherland Dwarf Rabbit Club • All Rights Reserved •